Check out Safety Emporium for your N95, N99, and face shield needs.
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 08:44:52 -0500
Reply-To: Ralph Stuart <rstuart**At_Symbol_Here**uvm.edu>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Ralph Stuart <rstuart**At_Symbol_Here**uvm.edu>
Subject: CHAS Anaheim Technical Program
Comments: To: SAFETY**At_Symbol_Here**list.uvm.edu
For those wondering, the Anaheim National Meeting
& Exposition of the American Chemical Society
is March 28 - April 1, 2004
This program and the abstracts will be on the web site this week.
- Ralph
J. M. Kapin, Program Chair
Natural Products for Pest Management (see AGFD, Sun, Mon)
Environmental and Waste Management: Advancements
Through the Environmental Management Science
Program (see ENVR, Mon, Tue, Wed)
Nitrosamines (see ENVR, Sun)
Academic Curriculum Taskforce: Sun
CHAS Social Hour: Mon
Executive Committee Meeting: Sun
Programming Luncheon: Mon
"I knew I shouldn't have come in today!"
Successful management of haz mat emergencies - N.
Langerman, Organizer
1:00 - Introductory Remarks.
1:10 -1. Technical parameters for strengthening
export controls on chemical and biological
protective and detection equipment. S. Hubinger
1:35 -2. All bleeding eventually stops. P. Davis
2:00 -3. Lessons learned: Chemical emergency preparedness. D. Justis
2:25 -4. Looking good in the midst of chaos - Get
your chemical emergency organized. P. Davis
2:50 -5. The wild and wacky world of chemical safety. R. Phifer
3:15 -6. It pays to be ignorant or How to scare
and mislead the public about toxicity. I. J. Wilk
3:40 -7. You do not need, or want, a "1910.120" spill team. N. Langerman
4:05 -8. Genotoxicity of Locally-Available
Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Rinse on Onion
(Allium cepa). A. G. Lopez
Hidden hazards in the arts and entertainment
industries - D. M. Decker, Organizer
8:00 - Introductory Remarks.
8:10 -9. All the world's a stage - And it can be
hazardous to your health! R. V. Johnson
8:35 -10. Performing Arts in Secondary Schools. R. W. A. Davidson
9:00 -11. "Safety and Environment in the Arts" A
web-based training program for undergraduate
students in the studio arts at Dartmouth College.
M. Blayney, R. Borwick, J. K. Lee
9:45 -12. The art of chemical health and safety. J. S. Baum
10:10 -13. Chemical safety in the Dittmann Art
Center, St. Olaf College. P. A. Ceas
10:35 -14. Things that go boom in the night:
Safety in the field of professional pyrotechnics.
J. G. Palmer, B. J. Wong
11:00 -15. Management and permitting issues
related to pyrotechnic use in entertainment. A.
11:25 -16. Chemical safety at Disneyland .It's not all pixie dust! T. Howe
11:50 -17. Hazardous materials and wastes in the
offset printing process. C. R. Alvarez Chavez, R.
E. Lugo, A. Lizárraga, J. R. Morales
12:15 -18. Lights! Camera! Action! Film production safety. L. P. Therrien
Teaching safety: Passing on the Word! -
Cosponsored with CHED - G. H. Wahl Jr., Organizer
1:00 - Introductory Remarks.
1:05 -19. Grabbing your trainees and keeping them awake. D. M. Decker
1:25 -20. The NC State Environmental Management
Plan and compliance assistance tools for
laboratories. D. Rainer
1:45 -21. Teaching safety in college laboratories
can be fun. L. J. Stephens, M. Metcalfe
2:05 -22. Everybody needs to teach safety everyday. M. A. Phillips
2:25 -23. Safety upgrades in the St. Olaf College Science Center. P. A. Ceas
2:45 -24. Teaching A One-credit-Hour Chemical
Safety Course at Michigan State University. A.
3:05 -25. Using games to teach laboratory safety. M. Cameron
3:25 -26. Teaching safety - a progress report. G. H. Wahl
3:45 - Concluding Remarks.
Escapades and adventures - An exploration of
career paths in chemical health and safety -
Cosponsored with PROF, WCC, and YCC - F.
Wood-Black, Organizer
4:00 - Introductory Remarks.
4:15 - Panel Discussion.
Measuring and Recognizing Safety Performance -
Cosponsored with BMGT, and SCHB - R. H. Hill Jr.
and L. Doemeny, Organizers
8:30 - Introductory Remarks.
8:55 -27. Addressing safety requirements through
Management Walk-Arounds (MWAs). M. C. Cournoyer
9:20 -28. Laboratory safety program assessment in academia. B. L. Foster
9:45 -29. Laboratory safety measurements - Reporting the results. L. Scott
10:10 -30. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
ES&H Self-assessment program. J. G. Chernowski
10:35 -31. Benchmarking hazardous waste volumes
and costs per business unit at a small
pharmaceutical company. C. Nusenow, L. A. Willmon
11:00 -32. Benchmarking hazardous waste volumes
and costs in an academic setting. S. Kinzel
11:25 -33. Cal-OSHA's VPP and measurement of
safety: An overview. I. Pourmehraban
11:50 -34. Cal-OSHA's VPP and measurement Of
safety: A practical approach. M. Norder
12:15 -35. Measuring the Environmental, Safety,
and Health Process. J. A. Erickson, R. Carrillo
12:40 - Concluding Remarks.
Toxic Tort Mock Trial - Cosponsored with CHAL - N. Langerman, Organizer
How do the changes in 21-CFR part 11 affect you?
Cosponsored with CINF
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