Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 16:20:13 +0000
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Russell Vernon <russell.vernon**At_Symbol_Here**UCR.EDU>
Subject: Re: CHO vs PI/Lab Mgr responsibilities
In-Reply-To: <OF264F335B.E83402DE-ON85257899.0049BB05-85257899.004A6D92**At_Symbol_Here**>

Hi Kim, et al.
This is still a draft but weÕve been negotiating delineation "lab safety responsibility" by role on our campus:

Roles & Responsibilities for Safety in Labs & Research

Individual Responsible

Oversight provided by

Person working in the lab or field

Faculty and other Supervisors

Actions & Guidance

1.    Know & follow the UCR Laboratory Safety Rules and department Chemical Hygiene Plan

2.    Create, improve and follow written procedures (SOPs)

3.    Identify & report hazards to your supervisor and/or EH&S

4.    Use Engineering Controls

5.    Wear Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

6.    Ask questions of more experienced personnel

7.    Provide guidance to less experienced personnel

8.    Report injuries to supervisor

9.    Cleanup spills promptly

10.  Store chemical by hazard class

11.  Store chemical in secondary containers

12.  Label containers

13.  Label storage locations

14.  Update campus chemical inventory when new chemical arrive

15.  Update campus chemical inventory when containers are emptied

16.  Provide supervisor with suggestions for improving lab safety

17.  Follow the Five Steps in ISEM

18.  Review Material Safety Data Sheets and other safety data prior to working with unfamiliar substances

19.  Report safety concerns to your supervisor promptly

20.  Use creativity to enhance safety

21.  Do not damage the environment

22.  Manage hazardous waste properly

23.  Prevent fume hood emissions of hazardous materials including strong acids

24.  etcÉ

Individual Responsible

Oversight provided by

Faculty and other Supervisors

Department head (Chair, Director)

Actions & Guidance

1.    Obtain approvals from the relevant committees for using biohazards, radiation, animal subjects, human subjects, class 3b or 4 lasers, select agents, controlled substances, chemical warfare agents, etc, prior to beginning work, adding personnel or making changes from the approved activity.

2.    Provide resources for your people to work safely, measure and reward safety performance

3.    Control access to your areas with high hazard materials, conditions or activities.

4.    Understand, review, modify and approve

5.    activities and safety measures in your space

6.    Prior to ordering or working with regulated carcinogens, discuss your plans with EH&S and provide information needed to comply with the regulatory reporting requirements (8CCR ¤5203) and to obtain the necessary training.

7.    Train everyone in your assigned spaces to work safely prior to beginning work and when the process changes

8.    Develop written procedures capable of protecting your staff of the health hazards of the chemicals with which they work

9.    Maintain chemical exposures below regulatory limits (8CCR ¤5155 & 8CCR¤5155A,Table AC-1)

10.  Provide engineering controls  and personal protective equipment to control the hazards to your staff (fume hoods, glove boxes, lab coast, lab aprons, goggles, safety glasses, gloves, etc.)

11.  Provide storage cabinets appropriate to the hazard category of the chemicals stored with appropriate labels and connection to the exhaust system when feasible.

12.  Request resources in contracts and grant proposals to cover the costs of equipment, supplies and disposal of hazardous materials

13.  Participate in department and campus safety committees

14.  Audit the hazardous materials labeling, storage and disposal practices in your lab frequently

15.  Involve the department administration in the filling of injury reports.

16.  Assist over exposed and injured parties in obtaining medical care when injured or overexposed to hazards

17.  Conduct accident and near-miss investigations, develop and follow through with strategies to prevent reoccurrences, EH&S can provide guidance and assistance.

18.  Ensure your chemical inventory in the campus database is updated at least every 60 days

19.  Review your departmental chemical hygiene plan, lab specific written procedures, material safety data sheets and other safety data information with your people to ensure they understand the hazards and methods of preventing exposure

20.  Review and update your location information in the campus econtacts system to maintain an accurate placard outside your lab doors at the start of every quarter

21.  Meet all UCR requirements for the use of biohazardous materials, radiation and lasers

22.  Request EH&S technical assistance when

a.    remodeling your lab

b.    installing a new fume hood

c.    designing a new workstation

d.    working with hazardous materials or processes unfamiliar to you

23.  etc. É

Individual Responsible

Oversight provided by

Department head (Chair, Director)


Actions & Guidance

1.    Meet with all new employees and provide safety guidance to your faculty and staff regularly

2.    Meet with your safety staff regularly

a.    Departmental Laboratory Safety Officer

b.    Department Safety Coordinators

c.    Building Supervisors for Emergency Conditions in the buildings where your department is housed

d.    Department Emergency Staff

3.    Update your departmental Chemical Hygiene Plan at least annually

4.    Prepare to continue business after a disaster

5.    Facilitate the reporting of injuries to WorkerÕs compensation and EH&S

6.    Conduct or assist with accident and serious near miss investigations in your department

7.    Report safety issues to your dean

8.    Anticipate and prepare for abandonment and reassignment of lab rooms

9.    Ensure labs are cleaned-up when occupants leave

10.  Measure and reward safety performance

Individual Responsible

Oversight provided by



1.    Obtain regular reports on safety about each of your departments

2.    Measure and reward safety performance

3.    Bring safety issues to the attention of the Provost

4.    Allocate resources to fund safety, accident prevention and environmental protection

5.    Encourage your faculty to engage in safety issues, participate on safety committees and demand an outstanding safety program

Individual Responsible

Oversight provided by



1.    Strive for an award winning campus safety program

2.    Encourage creative thinking toward improving safety

3.    Engage faculty, staff and students in discussions about safety

4.    Obtain reports for all levels of the organization on safety

5.    Follow and encourage others to follow the UC Presidential Policy on Management of Health Safety & The Environment

6.    Report to the Chancellor on progress with compliance with this policy

Individual Responsible

Oversight provided by

EH&S Director

Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities

1.    Provide technical consultation to the labs to assure they are able to operate safely

2.    Assist in the development and review of research protocols, biological use, animal use, radioactive use authorizations and laser use

3.    Train lab faculty, staff, students and visitors to complete risk based safety self assessments/audits

4.    Complete selected periodic inspections to reinforce individual lab performance

5.    Review design and construction projects in labs

6.    Develop and present lab safety training

7.    Facilitate emergency planning, preparedness & response

8.    Assist the departmental Laboratory Safety officers to develop, implement and maintain chemical hygiene plans

9.    Provide interpretation of complex technical rules and regulations pertaining to environmental health and safety to University administration, staff and students

10.  Devise strategies for compliance that minimize negative impacts to research and education activities

11.  Develop University policies and/or procedures for the safe and compliant operation of laboratory activities

12.  Participate in technical and policy development needs to state and local regulatory agency officials and the legislature in relevant areas related to regulatory impacts to University of California facilities and operations

13.  Review the design safety of process equipment

14.  Conduct accident investigations with root cause analysis

15.  Provide review and technical advice on pressure vessels, electrical hazards, centrifuges, and other lab equipment

16.  Assess hazards, and preparing plans for experimental set-ups

17.  Develop and implement field research and travel safety processes and plans for faculty, staff, students and affiliates

18.  Through the UC EH&S Leadership Group, in concert with the UCOP Office of Risk Services: Report to the President on compliance progress with the Presidential Policy on Management of Health Safety & The Environment


Russell Vernon, Ph.D.
Environmental Health & Safety
University of California, Riverside
900 University Ave
Riverside, CA 92521

Direct (951) 827-5119
Admin (951) 827-5528
Fax (951) 827-5122

From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**] On Behalf Of Kim Auletta
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 6:33 AM
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU
Subject: [DCHAS-L] CHO vs PI/Lab Mgr responsibilities

Along the lines of the ongoing discussion for CHO responsibilities, what about the PI/Lab Manager responsibilities?

Our EH&S dept is hosting a Safety Expo June 15 for National Safety Month ( and I'm giving a 40 minute talk on "Principal Investigators & Laboratory Managers - You are responsible for a safe lab operation".

Here's my initial list:

  *   Know and implement the guidelines and procedures of the Chemical Hygiene Plan and other EH&S Policies. Include provisions for these policies in grant proposals.
  *   Write specific operating procedures or protocols for handling and disposing of hazardous materials and equipment used in their laboratories. Ensure written procedures are used by lab staff.
  *   Train laboratory staff in these operating procedures and ensure the use of proper control measures.
  *   Conduct routine inspections of laboratories with their laboratory employees.
  *   Ensure that all appropriate controls including fume hoods and safety equipment are available and in good working order in their laboratories.
  *   Ensure that all incidents occurring in their laboratories are reported to EH&S and that a written Incident Report is filed.
  *   Complete annual inventories of hazardous materials as required in their laboratories and provide them to EH&S.
  *   Ensure laboratory employee access to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) and update of the "TOP 20".
  *   Hold lab staff accountable for all safety rules.
 What else would you expect to see or what did I leave out? I'm not limiting the talk to chemical safety, but general safety for labs. Any & all input is greatly appreciated!

Kim Auletta
Lab Safety Specialist
EH&S    Z=6200
Stony Brook University
FAX: 631-632-9683
EH&S Web site:

Remember to wash your hands!

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