University of California, Irvine, EH&S officer Dave Melitz applies whipped cream to a student's goggles for the student to rinse off in an eyewash station. Credit: UCI

University of California, Irvine, EH&S officer Dave Melitz applies whipped cream to a student's goggles for the student to rinse off in an eyewash station. Credit: UCI

What safety thing do you know you need to do but haven't yet managed: Lab clean-out? Emergency drill? Write or update standard operating procedures?

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration and other federal agencies have set May 2-6 as a National Safety Stand-Down. It's geared toward preventing falls in construction, but individual labs or departments could certainly use it for inspiration. The idea is to take a break from normal operations to focus on safety. Options to consider, in addition to what's above: